Thursday, September 27, 2007

Punctuate and Accentuate your sentences!

What happens when I forget to use punctuation I certainly will not get the appropriate meaning of my sentence across and what happens if this looks like a long run-on sentence and I keep talking and talking and I run out of....breath...

As you can see grade fives, that is a horrible sentence! What is wrong with it you ask? All of the words are spelled correctly and there are capitals, but there is something very important missing. PUNCTUATION!! Remember how we learned in class that punctuation helps communicate ideas effectively? Quotation marks signify dialogue and a comma used before 'but' and 'and' creates a compound sentence. Most importantly, the sentence above had no periods! Periods end a thought and allow you to breathe so that you do not lose steam mid-sentence. Once you click on the following link, all of you will transform from ordinary grade five students to the Punctuation Police. Complete the following quiz by paying close attention to the punctuation used or misused in each sentence and selecting the sentence that best suits the question.

Put on your police badge and begin your force...there are many
punctuation crimes that need to be fixed!

Once you've completed that task, you will transform from police officers to space agents, blasting sentences that do not have commas where needed. Please be sure to read the instructions carefully and have a comma blast!

PARENTS' CORNER: As a part of the grade five Language Arts unit on writing, it is expected of students to "use punctuation appropriately to help communicate their intended meaning, with a focus on the use of a comma, quotation marks, question marks and exclamation marks inside quotation marks in direct speech." The provided links will provide students with an opportunity to fine tune their punctuation skills while having fun and improving their internet skills. I thank you for your support in this exercise!

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